A Ward Store LLC is based in the state of Ohio with an emphasis on trading cards and gaming collectables. I am Phoenix Val Ward, of the heavily published family tree of Thomas Ward of London. More importantly, Thomas is immediate decendant of "Jack" Ward, infamous pirate from England that helped fuel the motion to migrate to the United states. As sole owner and operator of a Ward Store, I plan on providing top notch service to each individual that helps support this venture!
Phoenix Val Ward - Ohio, United States
12th Generation Ward of Thomas Ward of Oxfordshire / London
Captain "Sparky / Sparrow" Ward (Father of Thomas)
Born in 1553 Kent County - British Isles
Also given the nickname Birdy by crew, Captain John "Jack" Ward was an English pirate that assisted the Ottoman Empire during the Anglo-Spanish War from 1985-1604. Thereafter all corsairs given letters of marque were retracted by the Queen, legally blocking any brigades towards fleeting shiips across the Mediterranian Sea. This is where the earliest records of surname Ward were written in history.
Ward grew exhausted with the "grey meat" and crumbs combo that his income allowed him to survive on. He no-call / no-showed one day from his job, gathered his drinking buddys who he worked with, and banded a crew together to begin taking riches from fleets. These riches were divided by crew, or taken to Tunisia where a community of pirates and other low income salts lived. Ward created a bonding relationship with the governing leaders, and was given his own land to call his home base. Eventually, Ward retired in Tunisia, living out his life of riches until contracting the Black Death Plague and passing in 1622.
The logo (top left of all pages) used for my shop resembles a wolf head placed on a rook, which is the exact symbolism used in multiple generations of Ward Family Crests. Ward, latin terms meaning 'guardian' or 'watchman',
For more info on the Ward Family history, please refer to the contact tab.
Thank you for visiting the webstore for A Ward Store. Any support is genuinely and humbly appreciated.
From the Owner
I recently recovered from a double hysterectomy (yes, two) being bound with scar tissue and precancerous cells. Fibromyalgia along with other auto-immune complications have hindered my everyday life, which is not really what I imagined my early 30s would look like. Unable to handle stress without it severely affecting me physically, I decided to refrain from working, and start this store at my own pace.
Feel free to reach out for any special requests or specific cards that may not be listed on the site! LETS WORK A DEAL!!
For any questions, comments, or further request of information, please contact me via email at Vward@awardstores.com